Vietnam Women’s Academy Journal of Science (VWA’s JOS) was established under Decision No. 01/QD-HVPNVN of the President  of Vietnam Women’s Academy (VWA) and operates under Publishing License No. 561/GP-BTTTT dated November 13, 2017. The Journal’s establishment is of great significance to the implementation of the functions and tasks of the Academy and to the enhancement of research work, promoting the realization of VWA’s development strategy to 2025 and vision to 2030. The Journal is a forum for exchanging scientific research results and connecting domestic and foreign researchers.

Board of Management and units under Vietnam Women’s Academy congratulate JOS on the occasion of Vietnam Revolutionary Press Day, June 21

With a team of highly qualified staff, editors, Advisory Board, Editorial Board (100% have postgraduate degrees), including 05 Professors, 06 Associate Professors, 03 PhDs working in academic environments inside and outside the Academy; 03 Professors, foreign experts working at universities, prestigious organizations in Canada, the US, and Russia, over the years, the Journal has constantly strived to improve the quality of articles, innovate in form, expand the scope of research and strengthen international cooperation.

With the remarkable development of science and technology and the strong impact of the 4.0 industrial revolution on all areas of social life, digital transformation with the Journal is an inevitable trend to aim for. In addition to the traditional 3-month/1 issue periodic publication, on the website of VWA’s JOS, readers can search or connect to summaries of articles published in the JOS. The JOS management software will help the entire process of submitting articles, reviewing, editing, publishing/announcing quickly, accurately and ensuring objectivity.

On July 6, 2022, VWA’s JOS was considered by the State Council for Professorship regarding scientific scores in 02 councils of Philosophy – Political Science – Sociology interdisciplinary (0.5 points) and Economics disciplinary (0.25 points).

After only 2 years of dedication, the image and reputation of VWA’s JOS has been enhanced thanks to the new Decision of the State Council for Professorship. This is not only an important recognition of the quality of the JOS, but also a great motivation for researchers to publish their scientific works in the Journal. Increasing the scores for scientific articles will encourage researchers to invest more in high-quality research works, contributing to enhancing the reputation and position of the Journal in the field of scientific research domestically and internationally.

The increase in the score of the Philosophy – Political Science – Sociology interdisciplinary and Economics disciplinary under the State Council for Professorship is an important milestone in the formation and development of VWA’s JOS. In the coming time, the JOS plans to continue to improve the quality of scientific articles by improving the editing and evaluation process according to international standards, strengthening cooperation with publishers and prestigious scientific journals in the world. In addition, the Journal will also organize international scientific conferences, training courses and seminars to support and develop the research capacity of young scientists.

Representative of VWA, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tran Quang Tien – President of VWA said that this is an important step forward, helping to affirm the quality and reputation of the Journal: “The increase in scores for scientific articles published in the JOS of VWA is a worthy recognition of the Journal’s continuous efforts in improving quality and promoting scientific research. This is also a great motivation for researchers, encouraging them to continue investing in valuable research projects. VWA has full confidence in the efforts, research and serious scientific activities of the Journal’s Editorial Board to continue to improve quality and expand the scope of activities to domestic and foreign locations while affirming the unique and special value of the Journal.”

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Duong Kim Anh – Editor-in-Chief of VWA’s JOS also affirmed: “The event that VWA’s JOS had an increase in scores for scientific articles by the State Council for Professorship is an important mark recognizing the efforts and contributions of scientists in the Advisory Council, the Editorial Board of the Journal, along with editors and staff of the Journal over the years. With the attention of the Central Vietnam Women’s Union and the Board of Management of VWA, the JOS has made steady progress after 6 years of operation and development since the launch of the first issue in 2018. In the coming years, the journal will continuously innovate, further improve its professional quality, continue to strive to have an increase in scores by the State Council for Professorship and be recognized for scoring in a number of other fields. At the same time, it will constantly affirm its position and role in serving the work of teaching, training, and sharing theoretical and practical research results, with the value of consulting and advising policies for the Party, the State and the Vietnam Women’s Union”.

The decision of the State Council for Professorship to raise the scoring level for scientific articles published in VWA’s JOS is not only a source of pride but also a great motivation for the Journal to continue to develop and contribute more to Vietnamese science, especially in the field of research on gender equality, promoting social justice and progress. Hopefully, with this new foundation and progress, the Journal will gradually become one of the leading prestigious scientific journals in Vietnam and within the region.


Vietnam Women’s Academy Journal of Science
Add.: Women’s Studies Institute, Room 1503, floor 15, building A2, Vietnam Women’s Academy – 68 Nguyen Chi Thanh, Dong Da, Hanoi
Tel.: (84-24) 3775-4452
Editorial Secretary: Ngoc Nhung DO, M.A.: 0983160389

VWA Communication Department