Research and Education Council




TERM 2021-2025

1. Introduction

The Research & Education Council of Vietnam Women’s Academy (VWA) (hereinafter referred to as the Council) for the 2021-2025 term was established under Decision No. 143/QD-HVPNVN dated March 3, 2021. The Council consists of 11 members, having rights & duties  according to the Regulations on the operation of the Research & Education Council of VWA (issued together with Decision No. 482/QDHVPNVN dated July 28, 2021, in compliance with the Law on Higher Education 2012, amended in 2018).

Research & Education Council holds year-end summary meeting 2023

The Council has the function of advising the Board of Management on issues related to research and education to serve the implementation of the rights & duties of VWA according to the provisions of this Charter and other functions as prescribed by law.

2. Duties 

The Research & Education Council is responsible for advising the Board of Trustees and the Board of Management on training and scientific research, specifically:

(i) Long-term and annual goals and plans of scientific research, scientific & technological orientation and key research programs for VWA;

(ii) Projects to open, innovate, evaluate or cancel training majors and programs, as well as to review and recognize credit transfer

(iii) Cooperation plans with training and scientific research institutions, production and business establishments, organizations and individuals at home and abroad to implement activities related to training, science and technology

(iv) Rules and regulations on training, scientific and technological activities, recruitment standards for lecturers, researchers, library staff, and laboratory staff;

(v) Plans to develop priority directions and training plans for teaching and research staff and directions for scientific cooperation and exchange domestically and internationally.

(vi) Selections of quality assessment criteria for VWA, methods of testing and evaluating students’ learning and training results, solutions to improve training quality and ensure output quality.

(vii) Quality assessment for lecturers and researchers, for electronic information pages, for science and technology journals, and for the organization and management system of training, science and technology activities of units under VWA

(viii) Perform other tasks as prescribed by law and as required by the Board of Management

3. Members

No. Full name Position in VWA Position in R&E Council Scientific Profile
1 Assoc. Prof. Kim Anh DUONG Vice President President  
2 Assoc. Prof. Thi My Luong TRAN Vice Dean of Basic Sciences Faculty Vice President  
3 M.A. Sr. Specl. Thi Thanh Van HA Vice President Member  
4 Assoc. Prof. Xuan Thuy LAI Vice Dean of Business Administration Faculty Member  
5 Assoc. Prof. Thi Thanh Huyen DOAN Dean of Social Work Faculty Member  
6 Ph.D.(c) Hoang Anh NGUYEN Vice Rector of Women’s Studies Institute Member  
7 Ph.D. Phi Long NGUYEN  Head of Training Department Member  
8 Ph.D. Thi Thuy Linh KIEU Vice Dean in charge of Law Faculty Member  
9 M.A. Thi Oanh NGUYEN Dean of Social Work Faculty – HCMC Campus Facility Member  
10 Ph.D. Thi Quynh Trang PHUNG Lecturer, Women’s Studies Institute Member  
11 Ph.D.(c) Phuong Chi NGUYEN Deputy Head of International Cooperation & Research Management Department Member, Secretary