Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tran Quang Tien – Party Committee Secretary, President of Vietnam Women’s Academy (VWA) emphasized: “Our actions, though small, will contribute to helping those in difficult circumstances, bringing hope and confidence to families who are heavily affected by the storm. Especially for the students of the Academy and their families, timely support is not only material but also extremely valuable spiritual encouragement, helping them have more strength to overcome this difficult period.” The President also expressed his belief that, with the spirit of solidarity, love and responsibility, VWA will join hands, not only stopping at financial contributions, but also being a source of spiritual encouragement for those in need of support: “Each of us can spread sharing and empathy to our fellow countrymen. This is not only a responsibility but also a mission of VWA in contributing to building a more united and humane society.”

VWA has compiled statistics on the damage to families of civil servants, employees and students when they suffered from storm No. 3 to have specific support plans. Representatives of the units also shared experiences on how to effectively implement support activities during and after the storm to help the community quickly overcome the consequences and rebuild their lives after natural disasters.

VWA will implement a parallel support program with two activities:

Donate 1 day’s salary: All cadres, lecturers, and staff of the Academy will contribute 1 day’s salary to the Support Fund launched by the Central Committee of Vietnam Women’s Union.

Donate voluntarily: Cadres, lecturers, staff and students of VWA are encouraged to participate in donating voluntarily. This donation will be allocated to support families of students of the Academy who suffered great damage after the storm, families of cadres and civil servants affected by storms and floods; and localities that suffered heavy damage.

Time, place and participants:

  • Time: 9:00, Sep 12, 2024.
  • Place: Room 305, building A2, Vietnam Women’s Academy.
  • Participants: Cadres, lecturers, staff, and students of VWA.

This is an opportunity for members of the big VWA family to demonstrate their sense of social responsibility, accompanying the community in difficult times. In particular, the students’ participation in this program is not only a material contribution but also an opportunity for them to experience and spread profound human values.

Natural disasters and floods have caused huge losses in human lives and property in many localities in the North, severely affecting people’s lives. Families who have lost their homes and people who have lost their livelihoods are in dire need of help from the community. The campaign of support is not only a way to provide financial support but also an extremely important spiritual encouragement, helping people overcome this difficult period.

With the spirit of solidarity and sharing, VWA hopes that the campaign will receive an enthusiastic response from officials, employees and students. The significance of the joint action to support our compatriots does not stop at financial donations but is also an opportunity for VWA to demonstrate its sense of responsibility to the community. This is also an opportunity for the Academy’s students to better understand the value of sharing, solidarity and social responsibility. The students will become positive factors spreading the spirit of mutual love inside and outside the school, contributing to building a sustainable and humane community.

The campaign to support our compatriots in the North to overcome the consequences of the 3rd storm will be a memorable mark of the spirit of solidarity and consensus of VWA. VWA also commits to accompanying students, families, and the community in the most difficult times. The spirit of solidarity, sharing, and action for the community are values ​​that will continue to be preserved and promoted by the Academy and its students throughout the development journey ahead.