The Party Committee of Vietnam Women’s Academy (VWA) is a unit under the Party Committee of the Central Vietnam Women’s Union (VWU). The Party Committee of VWA has functions and tasks according to the Party Charter for the Party’s units. In recent years, VWA’s Party Committee has seriously focused and made efforts to effectively implement every task. The leadership in implementing political tasks has gained many achievements; the Party building work has been focused on and effectively implemented in the fields of political work, ideology, organization of cadres, inspection and supervision work, and task management and assignment to the Party’s members. The activities of the Party and its Unions have many innovations and achieved many positive results, contributing to building and developing the image and brand of Vietnam Women’s Academy.
VWA’s Party Committee is organized into 12 party cells, including:
⭐ Party cell 1: Training Department – Testing & Quality Assurance Department.
⭐ Party cell 2: Social Work Faculty.
⭐ Party cell 3: International Cooperation & Research Management Department – Women’s Studies Institute.
⭐ Party cell 4: Administrative Organization Department – Finance-Accounting Department.
⭐ Party cell 5: Ho Chi Minh City Campus Facility.
⭐ Party cell 6: Student Affairs Department – Youth Union Secretary – Students.
⭐ Party cell 7: Gender & Development Faculty – Multimedia Communication Faculty.
⭐ Party cell 8: Business Administration Faculty.
⭐ Party cell 9: Officials Training Center – Cetcaw.
⭐ Party cell 10: Law Faculty – Legal Consultation Center
⭐ Party cell 11: Information Technology Institute.
⭐ Party cell 12: Basic Sciences Faculty.
🌟 VWA’s achievements:
✨ Prime Minister’s Certificate of Merit (2015)
✨ Government Emulation Flag (2020)
✨ 11 Excellent Emulation Flags awarded by VWU over the years
✨ Emulation Flag of Ho Chi Minh City People’s Committee (2014)
✨ 12 Certificates of Merit from the Presidium of Central VWU.
✨ 2 Certificates of Merit from Ho Chi Minh National Political Academy
🌟 VWA’s Party Committee achievements:
✨ 2012: Achieved the Certificate of Merit by the Party Committee of Central VWU for achievements in improving the quality of Party cell and the title of Incorruptible & Powerful Party Committee.
✨ 2013: Achieved the title of Incorruptible & Powerful Party Committee.
✨ 2014: Achieved the exemplary title of Incorruptible & Powerful Party Committee.
✨ 2015: Achieved the title of Incorruptible & Powerful Party Committee.
✨ 2016: Achieved the title of Incorruptible & Powerful Party Committee.
✨ 2017: Achieved the title of Incorruptible & Powerful Party Committee.
✨ 2018: Achieved the title of Incorruptible & Powerful Party Committee.
✨ 2019: Rated as Excellent Task Completion.
✨ 2020: Rated as Excellent Task Completion.
✨ 2021: Rated as Good Task Completion.
✨ 2022: Rated as Good Task Completion.
✨ 2023: Rated as Good Task Completion.