On the morning of August 9, 2024, Vietnam Women’s Academy hosted a meeting with the delegation of Programs on Gender Analysis in Economics (PGAE) from American University, opening up opportunities for deep and long-term cooperation between the two sides. This meeting not only demonstrated the interest of both sides in gender issues but also provided an opportunity to exchange experiences, jointly develop high-quality training and research programs, meeting the increasingly urgent need for knowledge and skills related to gender issues in the context of globalization.

The delegation from the American University consisted of 13 members, led by Ms. Mieke Elizabeth Meurs, Director of Programs on Gender Analysis in Economics (PGAE). The delegation was very diverse, including lecturers, staff and students from many different universities in the United States. This is a testament to the special interest of the world’s leading educational institutions in gender issues, as well as the efforts to find effective training models that Vietnam Women’s Academy (VWA) has implemented in recent times.

At the meeting, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Duong Kim Anh – Vice President of VWA, together with Dr. Le Van Son – Vice Dean of Economics and Finance major, represented VWA to welcome the delegation. Also participating in the reception were leaders of units under the Academy.

One of the main contents of the working session was to discuss the training programs related to gender and gender mainstreaming of Vietnam Women’s Academy.

The delegation from American University was impressed by the strong development of VWA especially in terms of the current number of students and the ability to enroll students each year. In the context that many universities in the US are having difficulty attracting students for courses related to gender equality, the Academy has shared valuable experiences in building effective training programs and enrollment strategies.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Duong Kim Anh proudly introduced the compulsory courses that integrate gender in each major of VWA, such as Gender in Public Policy, Gender in Economics and Management, Gender in Social Security, Gender Impact Assessment, Gender in Mass Media, and so on. These are practical learning contents that not only help students improve their understanding of gender issues but also equip them with the necessary skills to apply in their future work.

Representatives of the two universities exchanged at the meeting

In addition to discussing the training program, the meeting also created an opportunity for both sides to discuss research areas that lecturers and researchers from both sides are aiming for. Some notable research topics include unpaid care work, gender pay gap, climate change, labor law, etc. These are all issues that have a great impact on society, requiring extensive research and creative solutions.

Both sides also discussed the labor market for Gender-majoring students after graduation in Vietnam. With the trend of globalization and increased awareness of gender equality, the demand for human resources with gender knowledge and skills is increasing. This opens up many attractive job opportunities for students after graduation, while promoting the sustainable development of society.

The meeting between Vietnam Women’s Academy and the delegation of American University has concluded successfully, leaving deep impressions on both sides. This was not only a normal exchange but also an important milestone in building a strong and long-term cooperative relationship between the two educational institution.